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Dad’s Day Roundup

There are certain things about Dads.  Dads are in charge of stuff.  Stuff like teaching you to swim without water wings and bike without training wheels, and what it means to have men on the corners with two outs, that kind of stuff.  They teach you drive a stick shift and throw a snow ball and whistle and appreciate the importance of a well-timed milkshake.  Dads are important.

I’m lucky to have the best kind of Dad — the kind who takes too many pictures at family events, who shares his banana pudding (albeit sort of reluctantly); the kind who “needs my help with the crossword today;” who happily picks up the phone at midnight (when I’ve forgotten about our 3 hour time difference, oops) to chat, and who always makes me feel like I’m smarter than I really am.

With three daughters, all of whom at one point were teenagers, my Dad was probably told that he was “like, totally embarrassing” more times than some other Dads.  He probably had to deal with more outfit and accessory issues than most, and possibly more angsty door slams and crossed arms at the dinner table.  My dad is a trooper and, whether you yourself are a daughter or a son, I bet your dad is one, too.

(I think I posted this same photograph last year on Father’s Day.  It’s just such a gem.)  

Let’s celebrate our Pops this Sunday with hugs (or phone calls) and foods he’ll love — ones that will hopefully make him forget about that time you got in a fender bender with his car, or threw a temper tantrum because you wanted the whole bag of gummy bears (I totally never did those things).

Things that might do the trick:

Turkey Meatballs!  My dad is generally a beef guy, but even he can vouch for these.

Dads love sandwiches — it’s just a fact.  We could make him a Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Peaches and Arugula!

Apple Cinnamon Breakfast Rolls are sure to make the old man happy.

Chicken Chili Stew.  It’s got beer in it.  Enough said.

I know my dad would do pretty much anything for a cool bowl of Vanilla Bean Banana Pudding.

To all the Dads out there — we love you so.  Happy Father’s Day weekend!


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